5 Must Have iPhone Photo Apps
As the owner of a new iPhone I've found myself taking twice as many photos on my smartphone because the camera is much better than previous models. Whether you've just picked up your first iPhone or you've recently made the jump to the newest model, here is my list of favorite photography apps to help you get the most out of the iPhone's camera.
Google Fiber Comes to Entire KC Metro
Google Fiber is coming to the entire Kansas City Metro.
Five Ways the iPad Could Influence Your Faith
How could owning an iPad influence your faith? Here are five ways you can use the iPad in your spiritual life and grow closer to God.
Paper or Plastic: The Age of Cash is Over
Remember those Visa commercials that show the one guy slowing down everyone by using cash? Who carries real money these days? Let's face it, we're a plastic society. Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey hopes to bank on this trend with his new company Square which allows merchants and individuals to accept payment from credit (and other) cards using a mobile phone. With the growing popularity of smartphones I predict that Square will be a huge hit.